Monday, January 4, 2010


Thank goodness it's 2010. Don't know about you, but I'm not looking back. The business, especially banking, historians can have 2009, and while they're at it, they can take 2008's fourth quarter too. My eyes are up and fixed on the new year and new opportunities.

I keep telling Trey, Bold Ventures Radio's videographer, CKO (chief kid officer) and lead sofa napper, to always look for the opportunities in everything because they're there. So that's my five cents for you too, in 2010. After all, seeking opportunities is about discovering, adventuring, moving forward -- how fun is that! And as you discover, adventure, move you never know whom you might meet, what you might learn, or what you might accomplish.

Can't think of a better way to kick-off 2010 than reporting that one of Bold Ventures Radio's (BVR) guests, Tom Beaty, was featured in an AJC article on January 1st.

The same year Tom started his cool company, Insight Sourcing Group, he started a non-profit foundation, In addition to helping private equity firms, transportation companies, and technology companies manage costs through proprietary modeling, Tom interviews WWII soldiers. Tom has created the nation's largest online library of oral histories from WWII vets. Read the article, which quotes Tom and one of Witness To War's interviewees, Burt Vardeman. As you read, think about the life as well as the business lessons that can be learned from Mr. Vardeman's WWII experience, as a young 20-year-old radio operator flying bomber missions turned architect.

The BVR Times, Bold Ventures Radio's blog, which goes only to the BVR nation (folks who've been interviewed on the show or are important members of the entrepreneurial world) will be going out once a month. I'll be blogging and Carol Tice, a seasoned business writer who primarily covers entrepreneurs, has signed on to provide exclusive content to BVR Times. So call or email me and I'll share your 2010 discoveries, adventures, and moves with your BVR peers.

Keep your eyes up!

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